Open Sky International France‘s kindergarten program, whether in English or French, consists of work on language acquisition, literature and sound recognition.
These three learning areas focus on developing awareness of children’s productive skills (speaking, writing and creating) and receptive skills (listening, reading and observing).
Learning areas for the GS (Year 1)
Productive skills
Children learn to tell stories and describe their adventures from their experiences. They also learn to order the events of history by respecting the language used in history. We teach children how to interpret a text with readings aloud to encourage them to respect the variety of rhythms of the story. They thus extend their vocabulary to retain new words every day. We then form discussion groups to interact on the story. In turns, children express themselves and listen to the suggestions of their classmates. They are able to answer questions and also ask questions so that everyone completes the opinion of the other pupils. Children step back to indicate what they liked or disliked about the story and argue in front of the class.
Written skills are taught through various text production techniques such as summary techniques alternating with simple sentences and compound sentences to keep the information as accurate as possible. We familiarize them with writing and also with the use of upper and lower case letters in addition to punctuation.
Responsive Skills
For the “Listen & Reply” part, children listen carefully to the teacher, audio tapes or videos and work on stories whose aim is to improve the child’s lexicon while following instructions or help if necessary. The “Reading” part consists in having the different ways of pronouncing the graphemes and phonemes already taught recognized. This then gives meaning to the texts studied.
The purpose of this “Reading” section is to make children understand that a text can be interpreted in different ways depending on their own feelings and experiences. Thanks to this sound recognition work linked to each letter, children have a simpler approach to reading. They can therefore read more complicated texts because children have the ability to decode certain words using their acquired skills. This part of the program aims to improve reading in children. Students will be able to select their own books and explain the reasons for their choice. They will also be able to comment on adventures, characters, establish imaginary links and especially distinguish fiction and non-fiction texts so that they do not get lost between the real and the imaginary.
Open Sky International’s mathematics program introduces children to the areas of learning numbers, shapes, measurement and data processing.
The teaching of ” Figures & Numbers ” begins by solving problems with notions of addition, subtraction, doubling or halving in contexts of numbers, measures and others. Children also learn to sort information, shapes or objects in statements. They assimilate a methodology of clear answers by adapting to the requested question.
Children must be able to count to at least 20 naturally and independently. We teach them to read and write numbers from 0 to 20. In addition, we teach children the use of signs (+, -, =), multiples of 10 and 5 and even and odd numbers.
Understanding shapes: we guide children to visualize and name 2D and 3D shapes, describe their characteristics, use them to form patterns, photos, models. We train students so that they can understand how rotations (e.g. scissors around an axis point), distances and speed work.
We also teach children to estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects and time by selecting appropriate units.
Our science program aims to help children understand the world around them. This involves learning the importance of light, the changes in our environment with the seasons, the study of living beings (Fauna & Flora), the study of the human body and the 5 senses, the study of sounds and the study of materials. Our aim is for children to develop a sense of the physical reality of the world in which they find themselves and the different varieties of human activity.
Other learning areas
Open Sky International also offers other learning areas such as arts (music, painting, drawing), games (imitation games, group games, constructive games, solitaire games), computers and sports.

Sports activities for the Year 1 / Kindergarten
Within the framework of the partnership signed between Open Sky International and the Stade Français Omnisports (, children in Year 1 can practice various team and individual sports in two outdoor sites and one indoor site. They have access to the large green areas of the Faisanderie in the Saint-Cloud park, the mini-golf courses of the Haras Lupin in Vaucresson as well as the indoor sports hall of 1500m² in the Géo-André Porte de Saint-Cloud sports complex in Paris.
The aim of this partnership is, through a variety of disciplines, to introduce children to different sports activities in order to transmit to them a taste for sport and its ethics. It is based on the principles of sharing, solidarity and respect.
Outdoor sports at the Faisanderie (September to November)
As part of the partnership, Open Sky International offers outdoor sports activities according to the age of the children. This initiative offers them a greater variety of activities and introduces them to new sporting values, thus enabling them to adopt a course of action. These take place on the large green spaces of La Faisanderie from September to November.
Tennis in Geo-André (December to March)
Tennis has educational and sporting aspects. This sport encourages the development of educational values based on fair play and respect for the opponent. It allows children to learn new techniques and cultivate their tactical sense, which proves necessary to adapt to different playing conditions.
It is also a sport that can be played individually or as a team.
Mini-golf at Haras Lupin (April To June)
By teaching them mini-golf, we want to strengthen children’s coordination and balance skills. They will be able to develop their gestures quickly, since this sport is based on practice and trial and error. Mini-golf will stimulate their ability to imagine and plan different trajectories in order to reach their target.
Other activities within the school
Open Sky International also offers additional activities integrated with Year 1 curriculum.
Children participate in several types of activities aimed at developing their values, social and emotional skills, creativity and curiosity.
The teaching of art allows children to discover great painters such as Van Gogh, George Braque, Monet, Picasso, Michel Ange, etc.
Students learn artistic perception, aesthetic evaluation, creative expression, and historical and cultural contexts.
Art gives them the opportunity to express themselves, bringing them to bring out their inner world towards a concrete reality, to understand abstract concepts. It also helps them to develop both their independence and teamwork.
Drama education aims to develop children’s multiple skills, whether through:
- Oral and physical expression, by learning to master one's expressions, gestures and ability to be at ease when speaking in front of a group.
- The development of artistic faculties through the interpretation of roles, but also to discover and explore new emotions.
- The development of team spirit through interactions with other children to prepare the final performance.
The integration of capoeira in our activities has several goals: to bring to the children an activity mixing rhythm and flexibility, but also a gain in coordination and concentration.
Capoeira allows the development of body control and creativity, but also the respect of rules and partners during group training.
This activity also allows the children to channel their energy and will to promote learning.
For more information on the educational part of pre-school classes, please contact us by phone on 01 45 27 37 56 or by e-mail via We will explain the entire Open Sky International France program for your child's development.

YEAR 2 / GRADE 1 (6-7 YEARS)
Discover the program