In the PS class, teachers continue to apply many of the strategies used in TPS. The curriculum remains focused on each child’s development in communication and language, and his or her physical development and personal, social and emotional development; however as children progress through the academic year, teachers start to introduce more pre-literacy and early mathematics skills.
The MS or Reception curriculum builds on the learning that has taken place in PS and continues to follow the same overall objectives, however expectations of children become higher as they grow and develop. At home, children are asked to practise their phonics sounds and read initial phonics readers designed for their particular stage of literacy development. Children in the MS or Reception class are being prepared for life in GS and the primary school, and in order to help them to adapt, they will be gradually exposed to more formal learning and teaching activities and routines.
Learning areas for these classes
All teachers continue to develop children’s skills and confidence in the learning areas first seen in the TPS class. As children grow older, the curriculum framework develops and new objectives are gradually introduced and revisited. There is increasing focus on :
This relates to the development of pre-reading skills, reading, pre-writing skills and writing. We encourage children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write, promoting a love of reading by giving them access to a wide range of reading materials, including fiction and non-fiction books and poems. Children are gradually introduced to letters and their sounds using the Jolly Phonics programme.
By the end of MS, children have learnt about numbers, shape, space and measures using a wide range of activities and strategies, which are play-based. Children begin to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, and calculating simple addition and subtraction problems. They also learn how to describe shapes, spaces, and measure.
Discovery of the world
In this area, children are learning about people and communities, and society and the world around them. They begin to learn to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
Arts and music
This involves children exploring and using media and materials, and learning to be imaginative. Teachers provide opportunities and encouragement for children to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and simple design and technology tasks.

Sports activities for the PS and MS (reception) classes
As a result of the partnership between Open Sky International and the Stade Français Omnisports (, the PS and MS children can practise various team and individual sports in two outdoor sites and one indoor site over the course of the year. They have access to the large green spaces of the Faisanderie in the Saint-Cloud park, the mini-golf courses of the Haras Lupin in Vaucresson and the indoor sports hall (which measures 1500m²) in the Géo-André Porte de Saint-Cloud sports complex in Paris.
The aim of this partnership is to introduce children to different sports activities, develop an early interest in sport and introduce them to the ethos behind sport, which is based on the principles of sharing, solidarity and respect.
In the nursery, children learn the basics of sports including movement, jumping and running. They also do obstacle courses to work and stimulate their motor skills.
In the MS or Reception sports class, children learn simple games like cat and mouse. They learn about rules and team sports and continue to develop their skills.
Outdoor sports at the Faisanderie (from September to November)
As part of this partnership, Open Sky International offers different outdoor sports activities to classes according to the age of the children. The initiative enables them to enjoy a greater variety of activities and introduces them to the important values behind participating in sport. These different activities take place on the large green spaces of La Faisanderie from September to November.
Tennis in Geo-André (from December to March)
As a sport that can be played individually or as a team, the game of tennis offers pupils many educational and sporting benefits, and encourages the development of shared values based on fair play and respect for the opponent. It also allows children to learn new techniques and cultivate their strategic awareness, which helps them to learn to adapt to different playing conditions.
Mini-golf at Haras Lupin (from April to June)
By teaching pupils mini-golf, we aim to strengthen children’s coordination and balance skills. They are able to develop their shots or strokes quickly, as becoming proficient in this sport is based on practice and trial and error. Mini-golf stimulates and develops their ability to imagine and plan different trajectories in order to reach their target.
Other activities within the school
The curriculum for all children is further enriched and broadened by lessons in art, music and capoeira, and in PS and MS children also participate in sports. The aim of these activities is to help children develop their self-confidence, self-reliance, values, social and emotional skills, creativity and curiosity.
The teaching of art allows children to be introduced to great painters such as Van Gogh, George Braque, Monet, Picasso, Michel Ange at a very early age. Art gives the PS and MS children further opportunity to express themselves creatively and also helps them to develop both their independence and teamwork.
Our drama curriculum at Open Sky International aims to develop a range of areas, including:
- Pupils’ oral and physical expression, by teaching children to control their expressions and gestures and feel at ease when speaking in front of a group.
- Opportunities for creativity, by allowing pupils to discover and explore new emotions when acting other roles or characters.
- Fostering of team spirit through interactions with other children for a final performance.
For the youngest children, drama also gives them a chance to develop further their spoken language.
We have introduced capoeira into our school day to provide an activity that mixes rhythm and flexibility, and helps children to increase their coordination and concentration. Capoeira allows the development of bodily control and creativity, but also teaches children how to respect rules and their partners during group training. Capoeira helps children to channel their energy and will to promote learning.
For more information about our pre-school curriculum, please contact us by phone on 01 45 27 37 56 or by e-mail at We will be able to explain our Open Sky International France curriculum to help you to understand how it would benefit your child.

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