Our secondary school curriculum at Open Sky International France
Open Sky International France is a bilingual English-French school located five minutes from Paris. It aims for academic excellence in all aspects of its work. We offer a rigorous bilingual curriculum, allowing pupils to take both French diplomas (the Brevet des Collèges followed by the Baccalauréat) and English qualifications (GCSE and IGCSE, followed by AS and A Level). We use a range of interactive teaching tools and strategies to allow our pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in their academic subjects and in both languages.
The Sixième (or Year 7) class opened in September 2017, the Cinquième (Year 8) class in September 2018 and the Quatrième (Year 9) class in September 2020. The GCSE and IGCSE classes are open from 2021, with the Troisième (Year 10) class started in September 2021. The Seconde class (Year 11) will open in September 2022.
When developing our curriculum for subjects taught in English, Open Sky International worked in collaboration with one of the three best independent schools in England, and this partnership has provided many benefits for our pupils. It will also help our pupils to integrate very successfully into further education institutions in the English-speaking world.
Half of our courses are in English and half are in French
English literature and language, mathematics and the three sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) are taught in English, and follow generally the ethos and the requirements of the English National Curriculum. However, in mathematics and science, around a quarter to a third of the curriculum is also taught in French to help pupils to learn to master these subjects perfectly in both languages.
In the secondary school, we continue to follow the same timetable structure as our primary school for French-medium subjects, and this means that French language, history, geography, art and sport are taught in French. In these subjects, pupils follow our own curriculum, specifically developed by Open Sky International, in order to help us to achieve our objective of academic excellence.
A mix of the best of the French and English systems
The first cycle of the Sixième, Cinquième and Quatrième classes, which is equivalent to the English Key Stage 3 (KS3), allows our pupils to acquire a solid foundation for academic success and prepare themselves for the demands of (I)GCSE and sixth-form studies. During these three years, pupils develop the subject-specific knowledge and skills that they will need later to succeed in their external examinations.
The second cycle of two years, when pupils are in their Troisième and Seconde classes, is equivalent to the English Key Stage 4 (KS4). At the end of this cycle, all of our pupils will take GCSE or IGCSE in a range of subjects, including French, English literature, English language, mathematics, the three sciences, Spanish and Business. In this way, our French and international pupils will benefit from having internationally recognised qualifications.
Learning areas and activities for the middle school at Open Sky International France

Opportunities after GCSE and IGCSE
After having completed their GCSE and IGCSE qualifications, pupils will choose between two potential academic pathways or routes for their remaining two years at school:
- Taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) in French, while continuing to follow a significant part of the timetable in English in order to maintain their bilingualism.
- Taking the English qualification of A level in three subjects of their choice in addition to French, while continuing to follow a significant number of classes in French in order to maintain their bilingualism.
When they leave Open Sky International at the end of Terminale (Year 13), all of our pupils will be ready to continue their studies in the best French and international higher education establishments.
If a family needs to move to another location during a pupil’s secondary years, he or she will also be able to integrate with ease into the best French and international secondary schools.
How to join our secondary school
Although we aim consistently for educational excellence, we do not put academic barriers in the way of pupils who would like to join our secondary school.
Instead we try to admit pupils who have a wide range of backgrounds and abilities and we accept children who speak English, French or neither. When pupils arrive, their language level is assessed, and as a result they will be either:
- Directly integrated into the class corresponding to their level without a catch-up programme in French or English.
- Directly integrated into the class corresponding to their level with a catch-up programme as required, for example, in French if their level of French requires it.
- Supported during a transitional period of a few months, or if necessary an academic year, to allow the pupil to acquire the necessary language base. This will be the case, for example, for a pupil wishing to join the school with no or very little English and/or French. After this transitional period, pupils will enter the class corresponding to their level.
Once at Open Sky International, each pupil will be supported individually, with teaching activities being adapted as necessary.